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Gently Held

Gently Held

This is a project that resonated deeply with me. Having worked with Michelle in the past, it thrilled me to work with her again on Gently Held. Michelle has created Gently Held to help people who have suffered from Birth Trauma and other birth related experiences. 23 years ago and with my near death experience and having to be on life support after giving birth to my daughter, there was no help for me to deal with what I went through.

My goal after consulting with Michelle was to create a warm, welcoming, safe environment for other people that have endured similar experiences, such as myself. Michelle is a lovely, warm, caring, empathetic person – and my goal is for people to reach out to her if they need help.

The solution was simple: Pulse Media created a visually pleasing easy to navigate website utilising WordPress. Michelle has a contact form for potential clients to reach out to her, as she can’t always answer her phone if she is in session. Michelle also wanted the ability to create helpful guides and we have future proofed her design, so that when she is ready to begin publishing content, we can easily turn that on for her.

I detailed each service offering on Michelle’s Service’s page with quick, easy booking links to her contact page. Every page was SEO (Search Engine Optimised) for indexing with Google Search Console. The website is mobile-friendly and responsive. Pulse Media provides cPanel hosting on Auckland-based servers with 6 free months of website maintenance. See for yourself:

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