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Google Chrome 85

Google Chrome Update 85

Chrome 85 lets users collapse and expand tab groups, see tab previews, save data entered into PDF forms, and loads pages 10% faster.

Chrome updates in the background, so most users can finish the refresh by relaunching the browser.

To manually update, select “About Google Chrome” from the Help menu under the vertical ellipsis at the upper right; the resulting tab shows that the browser has been updated or displays the download process before presenting a “Relaunch” button.

People new to Chrome can download version 85 for Windows, macOS and Linux directly.

Google updates Chrome approximately every six weeks; the previous upgrade was released July 14.

Updated Tab Features

You can now group up your tabs, which is a feature that Google introduced in a beta release earlier this year. Not everyone will have this functionality by default (I had to go to chrome://flags/ in my browser window, search for “Tab Groups,” and enable them manually), but once the feature is enabled, you can right-click any tab and add it to a new or existing group. Once you create a group, you can left-click on the coloured dot to collapse the entire group or right-click on the dot to change the group’s name and colour.

This is a great feature for people that like to have millions of tabs open and can organize them in groups and mimimise clutter.

Google Chrome Update 85

Updated PDF Features

Google is also boosting Chrome’s ability to deal with PDF files, and within the next few weeks, you’ll be able to fill out a PDF form directly in your browser and even save your work if you can’t finish it in one go.

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